About us
The team of Böhm Exler Kuptsch GbR stands for methodological expertise and personal commitment in the field of employee and executive development. For many years we have been developing our innovative products and consulting concepts, continuously improving our services and promoting our own personal education and development.
Guiding principles
We actively promote and practice combining performance with humanity in the companies we support and consult. We are guided by the principle of combining productivity with humanity. The team partners Dr. Böhm, Dr. Exler and Dr. Kuptsch are happy to share our personal skills and professional expertise with our clients. Our actions are marked by integrity, transparency, flexibility and determination. We are strongly convinced of the idea and the experience that productivity and humanity do not contrast with each other but can be closely related effectively in everyday life—for the benefit of the individual and the whole organisation. We live our values in a manner that makes our clients repeatedly seek close collaboration with us. We believe that human beings and methodology are mutually dependent to achieve high-level performance and satisfaction with it at the same time.
Our expertise
Thanks to our expertise in psychology and our experience gained in all fields of personnel management over many years, we are frequently contacted by corporate HR officers, managers and executives as well as by members of the corporate senior management. We keep our knowledge and skills up to date through continuing professional development. We give each other feedback, and we monitor the success of our work by using professional supervision. Acting as a team based on close collaboration, we authentically help to cultivate a culture of cooperation and feedback in our clients’ organisation. We explicitly support women in the workplace, in particular in their role as executives.
Our clients
We have gained experience especially in the field of large and medium-sized manufacturing companies and family-owned businesses. In addition, we work for educational providers, universities and personnel service providers as well as non-profit organisations. Our reference list shows the broad range of our clients. Our working languages are English and German. At international level, we have been working in the following countries: China, France, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and the US. We build client relationships that are at eye level and based on partnership. We develop our concepts in close cooperation with our clients to fully achieve their needs and goals.
Our team
The partners in our team are the psychologists Dr. Andreas Böhm (M.Sc.), Dr. Christian Exler (Dipl.-Psych.) and Dr. Constanze Kuptsch (Dipl.-Psych.). Together with our collaborating partners, we ensure the successful implementation of both scientifically-based and application-oriented service concepts within the broad field of personnel management.
Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Böhm
- Psychologist (M.Sc.)
- Managing Partner
- Special expertise in training, workshops & lectures (leadership, resilience, dialogue & conflict, motivation & change), video feedback, development center, potential assessment center, coaching, research & education.
Dr. phil. Christian Exler
- Certified Psychologist (Diplom)
- Managing Partner
- Special expertise in team development & team coaching, workshop and group facilitation, management diagnostics (individual assessments), executive training & coaching, development and implementation of (corporate) mission statements.
Dr. phil. Constanze Kuptsch
- Certified Psychologist (Diplom)
- Managing Partner
- Special expertise in management audits, potential assessment center and development center (also remote/online), leadership and personality management trainings, coaching of female executives, management of international projects.
Network partners
Depending on the project and the task assigned, our team includes not only the three partners but also a selection of reliable and highly qualified collaborating partners.
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Basch (Hochschule Neu-Ulm)
- Dr. Nils Borstnar (Borstnar Kommunikation)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Deller (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
- Brigitte Dürke (Dürke Übersetzungen)
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey (LMU München)
- Dr. phil. Dipl. Psych. Oskar Handow (handowcompany)
- Dr. Anna Luca Heimann (Universität Zürich)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Kleinmann (Universität Zürich)
- Dr. Marie Ohlms (Universität Freiburg)
- Dipl.-Psych. Monika Reichel (Die Trainingswerkstatt)
The main focus of our consulting activities is on providing state-of-the-art solutions and concepts for all fields of application of personnel and aptitude diagnostics. In this context we work for regional and international companies and organisations of all sizes. Whenever possible, we combine the diagnostic elements with elements of personnel development to enable learning and continuing development even during the diagnostic process.
We stand for professional facilitation and psychology-based coaching of all kinds of groups and teams in organisations and companies. We assist, promote and advise teams during their creation, set-up, development and change as well as in all potential crisis and conflict situations. We particularly focus on assisting leadership and management teams (at top management level).
Our training programmes comprise all relevant, non-technical topics and tasks for employees and executives in companies. As coaches, we are strongly engaged in the fields of communication, leadership, self-leadership, and social skills. In the training sessions, we always keep focussed on the participants’ practical cases. Traditional approaches and innovative concepts complement each other.
We offer our clients professional individual coaching for employees and executives of all ages and backgrounds. Our concepts to assist and consult individuals have a sound methodological and psychological basis while encouraging openness and creative process development. The main subjects of our coaching programmes include personality development, strengthening a sense of self-responsibility, and improving job satisfaction as well as identifying new and challenging perspectives in the workplace.
In addition to offering assistance to individuals and groups, we also guide our clients in the development of their organisations. The systemic perspective supplements and enriches the concepts and methods we use, which are centred on the individual. We make use of the fact, that the broader context in a given company affects every single person. Optimising the structure of organisational realities always helps improve employee performance and satisfaction in the workplace.
Monitoring and applying current trends and findings in science helps us to ensure that our consulting activities have a strong methodological basis. We pass on our knowledge through lectures and teaching activities. The collaborating partners for our teaching activities include the University of Salzburg, the University of Salzburg Business School (SMBS), and the Bavarian Elite Academy (BEA).
Topical areas
- AEM Unternehmerkapital GmbH
- Anglo Platinum Marketing Ltd.
- Arbeiterkammer Salzburg
- Ball Packaging Europe Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- Basalt-Actien-Gesellschaft
- Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Medien, Energie und Technologie
- Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH
- BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
- Conica AG
- Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH
- Daimler AG
- Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
- Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
- Diehl Stiftung & Co. KG
- Dräxlmaier Group
- EGC Eurogroup Consulting AG
- EMERAM Capital Partners GmbH
- Estée Lauder Companies GmbH
- esyoil GmbH
- Florin Treuhand GmbH
- Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
- Hydrogenious Technologies GmbH
- IAP GmbH
- IMPERIAL Logistics International B.V. & Co. KG
- Inhouse Consulting & Training GmbH
- KIA Europe GmbH
- Kinetics Holding GmbH
- Konecranes GmbH
- KTR Systems GmbH
- Leopold Kostal GmbH & Co. KG
- LfA Förderbank Bayern
- LR Global Holding GmbH
- MEDIFOX DAN Holding GmbH
- OBG Gruppe GmbH
- Orcan Energy GmbH
- Orlando Management GmbH
- Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg
- Qbus Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- QUADRIGA CAPITAL Beteiligungsberatung GmbH
- ResMed Germany Inc.
- s.Oliver Bernd Freier GmbH & Co. KG
- Scheer Group GmbH
- SMBS – University of Salzburg Business School GmbH
- SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels-AG
- STARK Deutschland GmbH
- Stiftung Bayerische Elite-Akademie
- Universität Salzburg
- Valeo Schalter & Sensoren GmbH
- Versicherungskammer Bayern
- Webasto Group
- Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH
- W+ST Akademie GmbH
Dr. Andreas Böhm
Bergmannstr. 64
D-80339 Munich
Dr. Christian Exler
Postfach 81 02 71
D-81902 Munich
Dr. Constanze Kuptsch
Gartenweg 1
D-21335 Lüneburg
Company address
Böhm Exler Kuptsch GbR
c/o Andreas Böhm
Bergmannstr. 64
D-80339 Munich
Taxpayer-ID 143/516/80165
VAT-ID DE 174 869 337
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All photos of partners of Böhm Exler Kuptsch GbR were created by the friendly support of photographer Kai Neunert (www.kai-neunert.com). Dr. Exler & Dr. Kuptsch possess the exclusive and unrestricted rights of use of these pictures. Any use or distribution, especially the digital copying or saving of images without the express permission of Böhm Exler Kuptsch GbR is a copyright infringement and will be prosecuted.
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